I do love my doctor, Dr. Aliff. She is personable and easy to get along with and doesn't make me feel stupid when I ask questions I should know the answers to. BUT, I don't like her office staff. Ugh. And I really didn't like a certain "Sabrina" who called me on Friday at 3:38 p.m. to tell me that they did not have an ultrasound tech available on Monday. Really? You really only found this out at 3:38 on Friday, the last business day before the ultrasound I scheduled a month ago? And this news applies to the ultrasound that tells me if my baby is healthy, developing correctly, and provides me some guidance as to pink or blue clothes?
Now, I automatically responded "no." As in, "no, you'll find an ultrasound tech, or get me a doctor who knows how to work the stupid machine, or ruin someone else's day because come Monday at 1:00 p.m. there will be cold jelly on my stomach and some strip mall ultrasound school graduate dragging a piece of plastic and pointing out things like the eyes, the hands, and the pelvic region." So she tells me that they are trying to get me in with another doctor's office, but that the other office is closed. Huh? It's now 3:40 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. What office is closed? Aren't 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. known as "business hours" for a reason? I'm certain there's an emergency number Sabrina could be calling, and apparently she doesn't consider the ultrasound I've patiently waited for to be an "emergency."
Now the clincher - Sabrina will call me Monday morning to let me know. So I have to go to court Monday morning, with my cell phone on, in the hopes that the office will in fact call me. But when I got my pregnancy test done there, they still hadn't called me with the results 6 hours after they said they would, and I finally had to call them. So, forgive me Sabrina, if I don't believe you when you say you will call me Monday morning. Sure, maybe it could easily be rescheduled, except that Josh and I are leaving on Tuesday morning at 6:55 a.m. to go to Oklahoma City, and we won't return until Saturday. So, the earliest I could get in would be another whole week. And I just can't stand it. I'm not a patient person to begin with, so Sabrina better get her act together and find me an ultrasound tech now.