Sunday, January 12, 2025

barrett: 140 months old


Barrett is embracing his winter clothes, voluntarily wearing long sleeve shirts and pants!  Last year it was nearly impossible to get him out of shorts, even when the temperatures dipped below 40 degrees, so I'm taking this as a win.  Barrett has been steadily working on all of the Lego sets he got for Christmas - finished the Concorde, working on Minecraft, and the chess set is up next.  He's also been working on a 1:400 scale airport replica with the hubs, and they're currently tackling the terminal buildings.  I'm a huge fan of miniatures, so I love seeing him get excited about working on his model!

Barrett is loving all things science right now (they are learning about biospheres in class) and playing his flight simulator game.  He's also been cheering on football teams as we inch closer to the national championship for college and of course, the Super Bowl.  

Likes: bagel bite minis, playing Pickleball

Dislikes: the long walk from the bus stop when it's raining

185 months old


Of course my first post of 2025 would be late!  Britton and I went to Virginia over Christmas break, and she and I weren't home on January 2nd for me to do this post on time.  Britton had a fantastic time visiting her friend in Richmond and I went to Virginia Beach to see my family.  January is promising to not give quarter to the weary!   School is back in session, and the trials and tribulations of final exams is behind, with new assignments, tests, and homework back on the schedule.  

Especially exciting this month will be softball team tryouts this week!  Britton has been working hard on her batting all year, and is ready to return to the team.  Tryouts were supposed to be last week, but Texas got a ton of rain and the field was swamped.  

Likes:  sleeping in, planning which concerts to attend this year

Dislikes: her plane getting delayed and landing in Richmond at 2:00 am