Britton is off to camp tomorrow! She's really excited to go back, since the majority of the girls she bunked with last year are coming back for the same session. She's signed up for jewelry making, leather works, piano, archery, pottery, and a host of other activities. For the first time, horseback riding isn't mandatory, and Britton is relieved because she hasn't really enjoyed horseback riding. I feel like the two weeks will fly by, and we'll be right back picking her up. When Britton is away at camp, I like to take on a project for her room - she isn't there to complain that I'm messing up her room, and I can get done what desperately needs to be done. Last year it was installing her bookcases. This year, I'm cleaning out her closet! I'm going to take all the clothes she never wears and put them in a box for 6 months - if she doesn't ask for them back, they are getting donated! I also got a tower to put in her closet to hold her sweaters and sweatshirts - they take up way too much room being hung up.
Swimming is going well this year! Britton's a natural swimmer (she didn't get it from her mother, let me tell you), and prefers freestyle over anything else. She'll miss two swim meets while at camp, but she'll be back for the last two. Unfortunately, missing meets means she won't be eligible for the Meet of Champs (she can't make up the point deficit), but she absolutely refuses to move her camp session because she already knows everyone in her session.
Likes: Nella the cat, missing two weeks of swim practice
Dislikes: packing for camp