We can't have a birthday around here without sprinkle and chocolate chip pancakes! Never mind that Britton and I both had dental appointments this morning - nope, we're having the pancakes. We wanted to start the festive day right! This evening we went out to dinner, then home for Oreo ice cream cake and blowing out candles and making birthday wishes. Britton's birthday party is on Saturday, so today was our special family celebration. We gave Britton the game Clue, a new book, some fun earrings, and some Harry Potter odds and ends, while Memaw and PawPaw sent some fantastic clothes and shoes!

Nine seems to be the age where Britton has changed the most from the previous year. And it's halfway to 18 and college and leaving on her own, and I start to get a little panicky that it's all going by way too fast. But she's still my sweet girl, my firstborn, the one who loves her Winnie (still sleeps with it at night), speeds through reading books and will read her favorites over and over again, who swims with the effortless glide of a mermaid, who loves her brother as much as she is annoyed by him, who loves to sing and learn new songs with the zest only a true lover of music has, who still lets me read to her every night, who still wants me to wake her up early in the morning so she can have more of her day.

She's smart as a whip too - we received her standardized test scores, and she's scoring with the sixth graders as a third grader. Almost a year younger than her class, she's the tallest girl in her grade. She wears size 7 shoes - women's size 7. She's a secret snuggler too, this one - if Nella the cat was smart, she'd know to curl up with Britton and never look back.
Likes: riding her bike, her new friend Abigale, cannonballs into the pool, snorkeling in the pool
Dislikes: waiting until tomorrow for the new Winnie the Pooh movie