This big baby boy is half a year old today. He is the biggest ball of good mood and laughs and smiles I've ever seen! Sure, sometimes he gets cranky, especially when he's hungry or tired, but for the most part this baby is happy.
On to eating - Barrett finally loves baby food! Not the cereal, of course, since it's glorified sawdust, but the real food. So far his favorites include peas, apples, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots. He's still getting 6 bottles a day, 6-8 ounces each.
Developmentally, he's right on track. Barrett can roll over, while on his belly he moves his arms and legs in what looks like a swimming motion but I know all too soon will be crawling, and he grabs for objects. He babbles a ton and loves when I talk back to him as if he's really talking to me. His latest thing to grab for is my face, and he grabs either side of my face with his hands then nuzzles his head into my face. Seriously, a basket of pug puppies and bunnies could not be cuter than this kid!

He gets shots tomorrow at his well baby visit, but he went to the doctor last week for a cold, so we got some stats. He's 21.5 lbs, which means we're now shopping for a convertible car seat - the one he uses now from Jessica only goes to 22 lbs. Man, I am going to miss the convenience of the bring-it-along car seat, but maybe once we get the convertible car seat the callouses on my hand will go away. Car seat plus this kid equals some heavy lifting! I attempted to measure him with a tape measure, and it looks like he's about 29.5 inches long.
And this week, his gnawing paid off (and poor Sophie the Giraffe got a break) when two teeth on the bottom finally broke through.
Barrett is doing well with naps, and at night he's taking his bath and going to bed at 6:30 pm. Then he usually gets up at least once in the night for an 8 ounce bottle, though when he gets up fluctuates - sometimes as early as 9:00 pm and sometimes as late as 3:00 am. Around 4:45 am every morning he starts moving around and waking up, but the hubs and I ignore him attempt to sleep through it and he's gotten the hint that it's not time to get up. Then we get him up at 7:00 am to start the day.
Ridiculously beautiful baby... |
Likes: being sung to, playing on his play mat, Glo-Worm, when I do "airplane" with his spoon, Britton, being in the car, going on walks in the stroller
Dislikes: strangers, wind, being cold, Sadie (he doesn't dislike her so much as he can't figure out what the heck she is)