Let me just say, after last month's pictures Britton decided she detested the meerkat (the stuffed animal next to her in every monthly photo) and wanted it away from her. This month she couldn't love it more. That is our life with an official 2.5 year old! She's testing the waters on what she likes/doesn't like, wants to do/never wants to do again and the answers change daily. She told me today she doesn't like my singing (big surprise - my singing can rival a cat being skinned) but then insisted before bed that I sing "Wheels on the Bus" with her.
And all this "trying on" of life is a joy to watch. She now has opinions, and while it can be freeing for us in some respects, like guaranteeing she'll like a flavor of popsicle or a book to read, it reminds me of how it wasn't so long ago that she was my little baby to dress how I wanted, play games with that I liked, and give foods I wanted to eat. But, alas, I just won't send her to school in a Dora pajama shirt and butterfly leggings, even if I'm stifling her creative decision-making!
Britton is doing great with her food this month, eating well and exploring. She has tried and liked Caesar salad, goat cheese, balsamic vinaigrette, soybeans, and mexi-corn. We're keeping the options changing, so she doesn't take after me and become the kid who won't eat anything with flavor. Seriously, my sister and I LOVED Ponderosa growing up, and the fact that every single food item tasted the same might have been the reason.

Britton can count to twenty in English and Spanish, and is really into singing, including her newest "Where Is Pointer Finger?" and the songs on her Dora CD. She can speak clearly, which is amazing considering most of the kids in her class should come with a mommy interpreter! Britton loves reading books, and some mornings we get a late start because she wants a few stories before leaving her room. I can't fault her for this (she comes by it honestly since the hub and I are both big readers) and wouldn't want to because I love that she loves reading.
And today Britton went all day in underwear with no accidents! We had tried previously, but she just wasn't keeping on it when she got home, would have an accident, and her disappoint and sadness was breaking our hearts. So we went back to pull ups. But when I picked her up from daycare this week, she showed me Lena's (a girl in her class) bin with underwear and extra pants, and said she wanted to bring her underwear to school too. She was really excited about it, so I figured she was ready. Well she was, until this evening when she pooped in her pants with no notice to us that she needed to go to the potty! But, there will be accidents, so we're rolling with the underwear and extra loads of laundry!
Speaking of clothes - see those jeans she's wearing? They are from Old Navy and the only pair of size 4T jeans I could find that are stretchy on top, with no snap or zipper. Britton doesn't like pants that are tight across her stomach, and she claimed her old jeans were pinching her. Come to find out after hours scouring the internet that no one makes elastic-waist jeans past size 24 months. Low and behold - the only pair that you may ever see! Britton is now wearing 3T-4T with some size 4 thrown in, and size 9.5 shoes.

Every day Britton and I have been going on walks. Sometimes it's on the tricycle, sometimes it's with the baby stroller, but she just wants to be outside as much as possible. Britton has lately had a love affair with the swings at the playground, though if you push her more than an inch she thinks it's too high and wants to stop! And I've finally convinced her to join me while I make dinner, and she seems really interested in how it all works (and stealing a bit of shredded cheese). She wants to be involved more, wants to be given responsibility. So I ask her to take Sadie outside in the mornings, and ask her to help with cleaning up, and it makes her feel like a contributing part of the family. Granted, she doesn't always want to help out, but she gets such a kick out of "helping" the hub hold a quilt I'm taking a picture of, or picking up spilled crayons, or helping to make my bed.
And art - this girl needs her outlets of art and stickers! Here she is this afternoon, covered in green marker. And when she said she didn't want a bath, there was no backing down on our parts! Luckily only washable markers are allowed within her reach.

Likes: being outside, Sadie, meeting other kids in the neighborhood, salad, breakfast for dinner, being given responsibility, riding the hub like a horsey/jumping on him until he cries "Uncle!", swings and slides, Smarties, closing all doors to unoccupied rooms, opening all doors through which we pass
Dislikes: anyone else opening a door before she gets to, being rushed, getting her hair washed, not being able to do something easily