You know, I asked myself recently when would come the day that I stop taking monthly pictures? Probably never. Because I love having 27 pictures in the same chair (ok, 2 of the 27 were in different chairs) with the same meerkat (again, 2 are missing the meerkat, but one of those has a Mickey Mouse so I'm covered). For the first time in a long time, I can see how big and older Britton looks in pictures, before I see it in real life in front of me. It happened when we got back from our Utah trip. I took some pictures of her, downloaded them, and suddenly this CHILD was on the screen. No more baby. No more infant. No more toddler.
Britton is now talking a lot, describing things she sees on her car ride - "Look Momma! A school bus! And a white truck, like PawPaw!" She says "thank you" and "excuse me" correctly, though needs to be reminded to say "please" sometimes. Her potty training is going well and her teachers report she stays dry during the day. We're not as stringent at home (we don't have potty breaks every 30 minutes because frankly, we forget), but Britton is sometimes wearing her Dora underwear and loves it.

Britton is in fall clothes now, in 4T and 4 clothes, and 3T-4T pull-ups. Her shoes are a size 8. I don't know what she weighs or how tall she is, but she's growing straight up like a bean sprout. And her hair has gotten really long, though we won't cut it until Memaw is emotionally ready for us to do. Memaw gets a little weepy if we mention taking Britton to get her hair cut!

Britton is still eating well. She'll try different foods, though if it's a meat of any kind she wants "dip" (ketchup) with it. And she's discovered quite the sweet tooth - when our stupid malfunctioning smoke alarms went off at 3:20 am and woke everyone up, Britton asked first for candy, then for toys. She settled for sleeping in our bed with us. But sometimes it seems like her teeth are bothering her, and she won't want to eat because she'll be chomping on Winnie instead. So we give her pickles a lot because she is absolutely 100% in love with pickles (and they are cold and crunchy and feel good on her gums).
Why yes....this is a mini-bottle of shampoo I stole out of my parents' shower...I like the smell of marine botanicals.....
Britton is becoming more aware of her friends at school. Every day when I pick her up and we walk into the hallway, she goes to the window between the hall and classroom and waves at her friends. They all come running up and bang on the window and wave back. Today, she and her friend Desirae put their hands on the glass, to where if there was no window they would be palm to palm. It was adorable. And touching. Britton is really into running now, challenging us to races across the backyard and down the street. And she gets such a hoot out of the hub throwing a ball for Sadie that she'll chase the ball, snatch it before Sadie can get it, and put the ball in her mouth. I know, I know. But it's just making her immune system stronger!
Likes: Pickles, lemonade, riding the hub like a horse, jumping on everything remotely bouncy, Snow White, bathtime, running (and winning!) races, painting, cutting with her scissors
Dislikes: Being rushed, getting woken up in the morning by smoke alarms, getting woken up in the morning by me, if I turn on the light to read her books, being left out of anything