And I made cupcakes for her class party today - little ones for the kids and regular ones for the teachers. All peanut-free, since everything that goes into her classroom has to be. Which had to be the weirdest sight of me at the grocery store, studying the bag of candy corn to see if it contained peanuts!

When Britton got home today she put on her bumble bee costume! It was so adorable, though I didn't know that the tutu part was a skirt. I guess I should have bought tights, but we only unwrapped it today, so oh well. Britton is still too young to go trick-or-treating, and I don't want her having all that candy with just being sick, so instead we went on a walk and Britton pranced around the neighborhood.

Checking out her wings....she LOVED the wings....

We also decided to go ahead and set up everything for the trick-or-treaters. We didn't want anyone ringing the doorbell in case it woke Britton up (she goes to bed at 7:00 pm), so I put spider webs across the front entryway. But that wasn't enough for the hub, who then put a sawhorse across the front porch. I added a "Do Not Enter" sign to make it look more Halloween-ish, and less social-anxiety-ish.

We also had a sign up that said not to ring the bell, just in case anyone got past our chairs blocking the walkway. I just put the message on an easel pad and bungee-corded it to the chairback, but I had a whole poem I made up. It just dawned on me that nobody was going to sit there and read a whole poem. So I will share it with you...
The goblins are grumbling
The witches are shrieking
But our little girl
Is dreaming and sleeping
So don't ring the bell!
Or you'll give her a fright
Please take some candy
And have a frightful night!

Britton had received a treat bag at school for her party, which contained - imagine this - peanut-free candy. Let's call a spade of spades here - peanut-free candy is the bottom of the barrel people. Smarties? Starburst? Give me a Reese's Cup or just go home. So we added that candy to our selection, and Britton spied it outside and helped herself.

By the way - the wings she loved? GLITTER EVERYWHERE.
UPDATE: Seems some kids went through the yard, tramped through my flowerbed, moved the sawhorse, and rang the doorbell three times! I checked the treat bowl and we were out of candy. Told all the kids it was too bad so sad, and one kid actually asked me if I was going to get more candy! Um, no. Another kid did say, "Thank you ma'am." That kid can have whatever he wants out of the pantry!