We had a great four day weekend, minus Britton's virus-induced cold/hacking/hoarseness/general miserableness, though she was unwilling to let her green-flowing nose ruin her Christmas! We started off Saturday morning with some clip art print outs, gluing cotton balls to Santa's beard and coloring all over Rudolph.

Then, and I'm not even going to lie about this, we watched the Dora Christmas Carol special at least six times in a row. It got to the point where the hub was going into a saccharine-induced Christmas song seizure, but we got through it. We tried to get Britton interested in "A Christmas Story" but she wasn't impressed. Seems she is still too young to understand the genius of that movie! So we made some Christmas cookies for Santa.

Sadie was obnoxiously morose all day.

We didn't have a traditional Christmas Eve dinner - we like to put together appetizers and nibbles, and just graze all evening. We had pretzel bread, lil smokies, assorted cheeses, a cheese ball, crab dip, and tons of other yumminess. Then after Britton went to bed Memaw, PawPaw, the hub and I finished wrapping up gifts (and the hub put together "Santa's surprises"). Then off to the tv room to drink prosecco and watch "Christmas Vacation!"
Here is the living room after Santa has visited, but before Britton has woken up.

And the Disney tree in the family room got some love too! We open stockings in the family room, so we knew we'd move into that room eventually!

Memaw, PawPaw, the hub and I got up early Christmas morning, and waited for Britton to finally wake up. We were so excited about her seeing her gifts, especially since this is the first year she gets the idea of Santa. And you must forgive me, because after downloading these pictures I noticed that there are no pictures of Memaw, PawPaw, or me! And only one of the hub. I can only assume we're on the video I took, and I hope so or else it looks like Britton was the only one at home Christmas morning!

Her "Ariels" doll - she kept telling us that she wanted Santa to bring her an "Ariels" (yes, with the "s") doll and we found these amazing Disney princess dolls that were designed by the animators of each movie! We'd have bought all ten if the hub had his way!

The only picture of her cowboy boots, which she has since ignored. I kept the receipt...

Unlike Britton, the hub loved his new shoes!

Say cheese! Memaw and PawPaw got Britton her own camera, and it is hilarious watching her take a picture because she smooshes her hands in front of the camera and yells, "SMILE!"

Memaw and PawPaw got Britton a Barbie Jeep! She loved it, and was not afraid in the least to jump right in and drive it. She didn't grasp the whole steering thing, so we had to follow her and adjust the wheel, but she got such a hoot out of driving it. She calls it her "truck" and insisted on taking "Ariels" on rides!

The aftermath...

Orange lollipops in stockings? Yes please!

Not the best stocking stuffer on my part? Moon dough. That stuff got everywhere. So it went in the trash.

For Christmas Day dinner, Memaw fixed us a brisket, cole slaw, potato salad, beans, and the whole nine yards! Then we all sat around for the rest of the day, taking Britton on walks with her new stroller, chasing her around the back yard in her "truck," and reading her new books.
This year, I flexed my sewing skills and made some gifts. I made Britton a new nap mat out of necessity, as every mat I could find was so thin! She's worn hers down to the threads, so she needed one pronto. The pillow is removable, so the stuffing doesn't get all wonky. It's an owl print and she really liked it!

And I tricked the hub and told him I'd make him a tee-shirt quilt after Christmas! He never suspected I had actually made it. It has all his shirts from when he was a kid, with John Deere fabric in between.

For Memaw I made a string quilt out of her and her mother's scraps. Memaw's mom (also called Mema) passed away in October, and I inherited a lot of her scraps. She had some beautiful old-fashioned prints I loved, and I wanted to incorporate them into a quilt for our Memaw. And I also used our scraps, since Memaw and I pick out all our fabric for quilting together. it's lap-sized, and my first foray into machine quilting. She loved it.

Tomorrow I am off to Virginia to visit my sister and mom until Friday! Hope everyone had a great Christmas!