Britton is just blowing us away on a daily basis! She is heavy now, over 27 pounds, but I won't know her height until her well baby visit in November. Her vocabulary is growing, with "apple," "moo," "up," and "ga-ma/ga-na" (Grandma), added in from last count. When you ask her how a cow goes, she says "moo." When she picks something up, she groans, and I suspect she learned that from me since every morning when I pick her up from her crib I mock-groan and say, "What a big girl!" Britton is terrorizing Sadie now, running to her, "petting" her (we're working on "nice petting") and pretending to sleep next to a sleeping Sadie on the couch. As far as activity, Britton is walking, sometimes running. She is a daredevil, preferring to jump from the couch or do a somersault off her chair than simply sit. She also loves being outside, and going on walks, and throws a horrendous fit when made to come inside. She is also a huge fan of Grandpa blowing bubbles for her. Recently, the hub and Grandpa bought her magnetic letters for the fridge, which also fit into a box on the fridge that plays the alphabet song. She is in heaven, and can't get enough of it.
And wouldn't you know it, she was smiling and laughing up at Grandma, and I spied a tooth! Then I felt THREE MORE. She has her top and bottom first molars on both sides! She wasn't having sleep disturbances (still sleeps 12 hours, now with only one nap) so we just didn't know.
As for food, Britton is trying new things, and added to her list of yummy foods is corn on the cob, kiwi fruit, sloppy joes, hamburgers, really meat in general, whole apples, whole plums, and ice cream sandwiches. She's adventurous when it comes to food, and I hope she stays that way. She is also using the sign for "more" and grabbing food off the shelf that she wants, which is amusing to me. Don't tell the parenting police, but she is still taking 2 bottles a day, one when she wakes up and one before bed. I was going to go cold turkey on the formula and bottles (she drinks milk during the day), but first she got sick, then we went on the cruise, and now with a move coming up I don't want to upset her world too much. Also, she weaned herself from the daytime bottles, so I figure when she's ready to replace a bottle at bedtime with a story, she'll make it clear. We're still using sippy cups, but now she has learned how to smash the opening and make water come out, which she amuses herself with in public places. We may be looking into new sippy cups if it keeps up!
As far as size, Britton has outgrown her 18 month shorts and a few 18 month shirts. Grandma and I got her some 24 month pants, and hemmed them since the length was too long. We've also gotten her some cute thin long-sleeved shirts for winter, since I'm not sure how cold it really gets here. No point in spending money on sweaters if it's too warm inside to wear them! And, of course, we got her a jacket and coat for outside play.
Likes: Walking, books, dancing, her bead necklaces, beef, cold fruit, the sunroof open on the car, going on walks, outside in general, sleeping, banging kitchen pans, playing peek-a-boo with the door, her shoes
Dislikes: baths, having her diaper changed, being made to sit still for more than 5 seconds, going inside, being told no, when anyone in the family leaves her (like me going to work or Grandma leaving her at daycare)
o, for this fourteen-month-old, "Life is Good."