Yes, that state (or republic, if you ask them) that sits directly below Oklahoma that you are required to loathe if you want an Oklahoma driver's license. Now, I have no ill will towards Texas because to me, as a non-native Oklahoman, I think it looks a lot like Oklahoma, the twang is almost the same, the cowboys are still yummy, and I didn't go to school in Oklahoma so I have yet to pledge my undying devotion to obliterate anything Texas at any given moment.
So, job accepted. And my job has an office in Fort Worth (Dallas's step-cousin) so I can transfer. In 13 days. Yeah, I almost went into the shakes when I read that sentence. THIRTEEN DAYS. So I haven't been updating on Britton's daily fun because I have been running around losing my mind and trying to find my to-do list that doesn't seem to be getting any shorter. Probably because I keep adding asinine things to it, like "clean out garage." Ha! Thirteen days to move and I want to clean out old stuff from the garage. And dust the window blinds. And get the house listed for sale, and pack up all of Britton's stuff, and clear out family photos while "staging" the house, and call the cable company to cancel service, and forward my mail, and, oh yeah, throw a first birthday party for Britton, all while my mom comes out to visit. So, yeah, I've been a little stressed. And the hub and I do as much as we can, flop on the couch for ten minutes of DVRed television shows, then hit the hay exhausted.
So I will do better for my two blog readers. Cammy's coming tomorrow and the party is Saturday, so I promise to update. Even if it is only to brag that I got my to-do list whittled down to "have nervous breakdown" and "rock in the corner of a dark room."