And then, of course, it was time for cookie-making! Bless her heart, the girl did not really get what was going on, but she gave it her all when it came to the sprinkles. And while no one was willing to eat the cookies that were slightly over-done, I did nibble a corner to give a "Santa was here" nod.

Christmas morning! Grandma and Grandpa spent the night because Britton likes to get up early. The only person not out of bed before Britton was Sadie, and that's really not surprising. Britton walked into the living room and noticed the Cozy Coupe car and giraffe bike before anything else. Then the smaller toys, like the mailbox and Ming-Ming (of the Wonder Pets I have since learned) caught her eye. Everyone gave and got some great gifts, and Grandma and Grandpa even surprised us with a 3D tv! The hub immediately squandered it to his man room upstairs and has spent the last two nights playing his new video games on it.

A little "Find Waldo" moment - can you spot Britton amongst the wrapping paper and gifts?

As most kids do, Britton found enjoyment out of the box from the electric piano Grandma and Grandpa gave me. Cammy gave me my piano music when she sold our old piano, so I carted that bag out and started playing. Britton, attempting to steal my thunder, starting banging any keys she could reach. When she gets a little older, we are going to rock out "Heart and Soul" the way Jessica and I do!

The coupe, Ming Ming, Grandma, and the outdoors - all things Britton likes. While we did not get snow like my family on the East Coast did, the temperatures dipped to below freezing. Which, frankly, is like a blizzard for Texas.

The hub and Grandpa attempted to put together Britton's playhouse on Christmas Eve. But a quick perusal of the directions demonstrated the use of a hammer and a drill, both of which would wake up Britton. So it was left until Christmas afternoon. Britton spent the time supervising the project, trying to climb unfinished pieces, and generally getting in the hub's way. You can see the piano behind them. We will keep the playhouse inside until springtime and warm weather, at which point it'll go in the backyard.

We made Mexican food for Christmas dinner that night, but Britton was eaten up (bad pun intended) with the cream cheese and mango dip Grandma made for an appetizer. By saying "we" made Mexican food, I really mean that Grandma made food and held Britton, while the hub and Grandpa watched football and I laid on any soft surface I could find.

Hmmmm......attempting to eat a black crayon, Britton leaves the evidence in plain sight...

Family time...Are those not the cutest overalls ever?